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Ministry of Health launches $5 million Laboratory Systems Strengthening (ILSS) Project

4 th Oct, 2024 - NHLDS Quarters

The ministry of Health through the National Health Laboratory and Diagnostic Services, NHLDS has launched the Regional Integrated Laboratory Systems Strengthening (ILSS) Project as part of ongoing efforts to strengthen diagnostic services in Africa. The 5-year project will cover 21 countries across East, Central, and Southern Africa. The ECSA – Global Fund Integrated Laboratory System Strengthening Project will run from July 2024 - June 2027 to support diagnostics and laboratory capacities covering TB and epidemic preparedness. 

The ILSS project will build on the achievements of the earlier Global Fund Investments in Uganda and Africa to strengthen integrated lab systems.

The launch was officiated by the first Deputy Prime Minister of Uganda and Minister for East African Community Affairs, Hon. Rebecca Kadaga, and State Minister for Health, Hon. Margaret Muhanga, Permanent Secretary Dr. Diana Atwine and Director General Health Services, Dr. Henry Mwebesa.

In her welcome remarks, the Commissioner NHLDS Dr. Susan Nabadda expressed gratitude to the Global Fund and ECSA-HC for their longstanding support in improving laboratory systems. Despite the progress, the Commissioner emphasized that this $5-million project is just a starting point stating that Africa’s diagnostic needs require much larger investments.

Today, as we come together for the launch of the Integrated Laboratory Systems Strengthening (ILSS) Project, we are reminded of the critical gaps in diagnostic capacities across the African continent. We cannot allow the devastating outcomes of past outbreaks like Ebola to repeat due to our continent’s low diagnostic capacities. We must work together as governments, development partners, and political leaders to ensure our laboratories function optimally. Only then can we prevent future health crises,” Dr. Susan Nabadda - Commissioner of the National Health Laboratory and Diagnostic Services (NHLDS),

The chief Guest and First Prime Minster Hon. Rebecca Kadaga commended the ministry for the great work, progress, and called for more local centers of excellence in African countries.

As government, we need to have local regional centers of excellence in our countries. We need to therefore invest and make sure the labs have the necessary funding to bring services closer to our people. Laboratory is an important area that requires specialized training that should be promoted right from Universities. I pledge to join the campaign to market the laboratory sector within cabinet and wherever I go to help our people who need these services,” Hon. Rebecca Kadaga.

NHLDS is currently implementing the 3rd phase of the East, Central, and Southern Africa Health Community (ECSA- HC) - Global Fund Regional TB Laboratory Strengthening Project (July 2022 – June 2025) and the COVID-19 Response Mechanism grant (May 2022- December 2025). The two projects continue to provide technical support to the National TB Reference Laboratories in 21 countries to improve TB diagnosis and contribute to the collective effort to end TB by 2030, provision of Proficiency Testing (PT) panels for COVID-19 and building capacities in laboratory leadership and management.

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