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NHLDS Joins Medical Services Partners to Provide Vital Testing Services at Katonga Day Commemoration

Kololo Independence grounds - 8 Sept 2023

In a display of collaborative healthcare efforts, the NHLDS team joined forces with fellow medical services partners at the Kololo Independence grounds to offer essential testing services to Ugandans who gathered to commemorate Katonga Day, coinciding with President Yoweri Museveni's 79th birthday celebration.

The NHLDS assembled ateam comprising more than 50 professionals, each specializing in various fields, to provide a wide array of screening services. These services included; malaria, pregnancy, HIV, HepB, sickle cell screening, H. Pylori, blood glucose, syphilis, and more.

Dr. Susan Nabadda, the leader of the NHLDS team, expressed her admiration for her team's exceptional performance on this memorable day. The public received prompt testing and received their results within hours. To cater to the large number of attendees at Kololo, the team efficiently operated across three screening points.

In her words of appreciation, Dr. Susan stated, "Thank you to the team for the outstanding work and the remarkable team spirit, organization, and coordination demonstrated at Kololo. You have made us proud; you are indeed the Katonga heroes. Let us maintain this momentum and the spirit of unity."

The NHLDS's participation in providing vital testing services during the Katonga Day Commemoration underscores the organization's commitment to promoting public health and well-being, ensuring that essential healthcare services are accessible to all.

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